Text: Genesis 2:18-25
When God created Eve, the first woman, He called her “Ezer”. Ezer is a Hebrew word which means ‘helper” or more precisely, “a strong helper” or “a strong power”. Eve was not another animal created for Adam’s pleasure but a perfect ally and companion for Adam.
Every woman, single or married, was created to be an Ezer, a strong power. God has a plan for each of His daughters, and we defined by His intentions, not by our current circumstances There is no age limit to being a strong helper. A woman is a strong helper from birth to death, no matter what her present circumstance or station in life is.
Despite the cultural norms of the Bible days that said men were the ones who were supposed to be spiritual leaders and the luasons to God, God was still able to raise women who displayed the original plan of God for women as Ezers. He raised women like Deborah, Esther, Ruth, Jochebed (the mother of Moses) and a host of others.
Woman, today, you can proudly take your place as an Ezer, a strong power, whether single or married, young or old.
Pst/Mrs. Caroline Ladipo.